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10 Best Outdoor Dogs for Nature Lovers

Most dogs enjoy the outdoors, but some dogs are better suited for getting out and about. Nature lovers can explore many different options looking for the best outdoor dogs. Whichever one you choose, you’re sure to not be disappointed!

Here are the top 10 best outdoor dogs to help you find your ideal companion.

1. Golden Retrievers Dog

Golden Retrievers are arguably the best outdoor dogs. They were originally bred to retrieve hunted waterfowl, and come equipped with webbed feet, making them the perfect water dog. Whether it’s swimming or hiking, you can be confident these Golden Retrievers are enthusiastic about the activity.

2. Siberian Husky Dog

When you picture big, furry dogs pulling sleighs in northern climates, you’re probably picturing a husky. Siberian Huskies are known to thrive in cold climates thanks to their thick fur coat, but do well in warm climates too, as their undercoat helps them adapt. Huskies love to explore and make for great companions for outdoor adventures.

3. Bernese Mountain Dog

Speaking of thick fur coats, the Bernese Mountain Dog has a double coat, enabling them to tolerate the cold climate they originally came from. In contrast to other outdoor dogs, these dogs have slightly less energy, making them great house pets, while still being the perfect outdoor dog for all the activities you have lined up. While rigorous outdoor activities still appeal to this bread, so do more casual walks, making them perfect for your individual activity level.

4. German Shepherd Dog

Another versatile outdoor companion is the German Shepherd. This breed of dog has a double layer coat as well, making them the best outdoor dogs for cold and warm climates. The German Shepherd is a dog of many talents. Originally bred to herd livestock, they have many jobs today in public service, ranging from police dogs, to guard dogs. Their loyalty, sharp mind and many physical abilities make them a true companion and perfect for a multitude of outdoor activities.

5. Rottweiler Dog

Rottweilers are often seen as tough breeds, but in reality, they’re quite sweet and gentle. Their gentle and loyal nature make them great family pets. They thrive on companionship and love being a part of the family.

They’re happy to go along on any family activity, from walks in the park to swimming and hiking, making them great outdoor dogs. As long as they are given some guidance, love, and attention, this breed will be with you every step of the way.

6. Australian Cattle Dog

Are you a high energy individual that loves to do rigorous outdoor activity? If so, then this is one of the best outdoor dogs for you. They have tons of energy and always want to be on the go. If you participate in daily outdoor activity, whether it be walks, running, biking or hiking, you can count on the Australian Cattle Dog to be at your side. They also like to have lots of space to roam around, so if you have a big backyard, this dog will do well as part of your family.

7. Rough Collie Dog

The Rough Collie was also bred as a hunting dog. Like the Australian Cattle Dog, these dogs also love having open spaces to roam around in. They would be happy to be on the go all day long, so they’re the perfect pet to bring the cottage, spend time with in the backyard and so on. Also a family dog, they are very friendly and loyal and integrate well into whatever outdoor activities may interest you and the rest of your family.

8. Vizsla Dog

The Vizsla is one of the top outdoor dogs. Their high-energy nature makes them hard to tire out. They’re able to keep up with you on all your outdoor activities and love being right by your side. Some of the outdoor activities they thrive at are swimming, exploring and sniffing new smells in forests and fields.

Unlike a lot of the dog breeds mentioned here, they don’t have a double layer coat, so you’ll need to pay extra attention to them in cold climates to make sure they don’t get too cold.

9. Belgian Sheepdog

Belgian Sheepdogs are easy to train, and as such, can be trained to stay by your side on nature walks, hikes, and runs. Their excellent stamina make them one of the best outdoor dogs in the world. Like the German Shepherd, this breed is also used as police dogs, in addition to therapy dogs. Belgian Sheepdogs make great family pets and are an excellent candidate for an outdoor companion.

10. Mastiff Dog

Mastiffs are one of the largest breeds of dog there is. They are friendly, good-natured dogs, making them the perfect family pet. They are also extremely athletic and make for wonderful outdoor dogs. Mastiffs love daily exercise and thrive in open spaces where they can stretch their legs, run and explore.
