4 Home Water Problems A Plumber Can Help With

Sometimes a person in your home will leave the water running in the sink and cause an overflow. Occasionally a toilet will back up and spill onto the bathroom floor. Although you might call a plumber for these issues, here are four others when you should seriously consider contacting a plumber about.
1. Drain backup
Similar to a toilet or sink stoppage, a drain backup can overflow onto a basement floor to cause flood damage to the surrounding structures and furnishings in the area. Using industry-specific tools and products with enhancing lighting, the plumber can quickly get to the root of the problem and recommend a specific repair if needed. Even if the backup is incidental to a lost toy or accumulated debris, either of which can be readily repaired, the plumbing technician can recommend additional or replacement parts if needed to prevent the problem from recurring.
2. Leaky pipes
Water dripping from plumbing pipes or fixtures anywhere in the home is a major problem. Even if the drip is more of a trickle, the moisture can accumulate to cause damage, or a bigger flow may occur over time. The source of the problem will be identified and any repairs made to fix the current issue and provide protection for the future. Weak pipes can be replaced not only at the drip site, but also in other areas that may lead to the next dripping area if not addressed.
3. Low water pressure
Minimal water pressure can cause problems with trying to flush toilets, take showers, or run the washing machine and dishwasher, among other issues. Sometimes the problem stems from an outdoor well that is experiencing reduced water volume. Other times, though, the problem might be caused by a pipe that is partly clogged or a fixture that is malfunctioning. A plumber can explore these and other options and make a recommendation based on his or her findings.
4. Wall condensation
Patches of moisture on a wall, floor, or ceiling likely indicates a water leak of some kind. It could be seeping in from the roof if there is a problem there. Or an indoor pipe or plumbing structure that is unseen might be the culprit. The plumbing expert can check it out and provide a recommendation or repair quote, if one is needed.
Water problems in a home can cause expensive damage and inconvenience. Calling a plumbing service at the first sign of trouble can often save time and money. A free estimate is well worth the time it takes to make a phone call and have someone come to evaluate the problem.