7 Best Outdoor Activities for Toddlers and Children

Every parent knows that play is an important way for their children to learn. When it comes to helping your toddler learn, fun play is the best way to keep their attention and keep them from becoming bored, distracted, and wandering off.
While there are plenty of educational shows and activities, such as Mickey Mouse Club House and V-Tech machines with games that help with learning and fun as well. However, who wants to be cooped up in the house all day? Certainly not you and certainly not your toddler.
So, when you’ve had enough of indoor fun, take a look at our list below of the best outdoor activities for toddlers:
Activity #1: Blow Bubbles
Most parents remember the joy of blowing bubbles in the backyard on a warm, summer day as a child. Why not give that experience to your toddler as well? Use wands of many different sizes to blow bubbles for your children to run and try to catch. The best thing about bubbles is when you run out, it’s possible to make them yourself to have even more fun. Bubbles are the perfect activity for a toddler to get out, have fun, and get their exercise and fresh air at the same time.
Activity #2: Create Your Own Obstacle Course
Another outdoor activity for toddlers is to create an obstacle course. Look in the garage or shed, grab a few things, and make your toddler a simple obstacle course they can run. How about making the kiddie pool into a ball pool or a fishing net that can be used to move small things from one part of the course to another?
You can also put out containers of water, if it’s warm enough, and let your toddler use a soup ladle to transfer water from one to the other. Oh, and don’t forget some sections for jumping and skipping through the course for hours upon hours of fun.
Activity #3: Jump in Puddles Together
There is nothing better to a toddler than jumping in puddles after a summer rain. Put on those rain boots and head out in the yard to jump in the puddles together. The smell of the air after a fresh rain shower, the warmth of the rain in the puddles, and just doing it together will keep your toddler happy and it will be fun for you both. You can also give your toddler a bath afterwards, and a nap will probably be in order as well.
Activity #4: Play in the Sand
If you have a few hours to spare, you can always build your toddler a sandbox, though they sell them in all shapes, sizes, and designs at the store. Provide plenty of toys for your toddler to play with, from shovels to pals, and even a spoon and some cups from the kitchen. Don’t forget to add in some dump trucks and other toys as well. Playing in the sand is not only fun for your toddler, it also strengthens their hands, which will be important for holding a pencil and using scissors once they start school.
Activity #5: Let Them Help You Garden
Your toddler doesn’t realize that pulling weeds, digging in the dirt, and raking leaves is work. To them it’s fun, so why not let your toddler help you in the garden, as well as little chores around the yard also. Not only does this allow your toddler to be active and be out in the fresh air, it helps you lay the groundwork for them being a hard worker in years to come. This work ethic is a great child care principle you can teach at a young age.
Activity #6: Have Fun in the Water
If the weather allows, there is nothing a toddler loves more than playing in water. Whether it’s a simple kiddie pool, a hose, or a sprinkler, kids love to get wet. It’s important to make sure that your toddler is always supervised when it comes to being around any kind of water, however, so make sure you’re going to be there constantly when taking part in this outdoor activity. This makes sure your toddler gets exercise and keeps them cool in the heat of summer as well.
Activity #7: Take a Walk
A walk can be a great activity to do with your toddler in the mornings and afternoons. Just make sure that you don’t walk to far, so you don’t have to end up carrying your toddler back to the house. Not only will your toddler get exercise, but walks afford you many teachable moments, as animals, nature, and other things are constantly changing.
These are just a few of the best outdoor activities for toddlers you might want to try. From taking a simple walk to blowing bubbles, all kinds of fun can be had with your child outdoors.