8 Natural Ways to Fight the Flu and Recover Quickly

Relying on chemicals to fight the flu can be rough on your body and quickly get expensive. While you should definitely go get your flu shot, you can’t just rely on medication to fight the flu. When flu season comes around the corner, it’s worth using natural ways to fight the flu to your advantage. There are many herbs, minerals, and techniques you can use to support your body during a bout with the flu.
Traditional remedies from the store are full of all types of preservatives, dyes, and flavours that mask the components that are truly helping your body. Check out these eight natural ways to fight the flu to recover quickly:
1. Ginger
Ginger is a potent anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial natural remedy. It can be consumed as one of the natural ways to fight the flu. You can feel the power of ginger at work by the burning sensation you get from biting down on a raw piece.
Making ginger tea can be a great way to soothe your throat and settle your stomach if you’re having digestive issues. Ginger has anti-spasmodic and anti-nausea qualities, which make it great for recovering from a puking episode. Buying raw ginger root from the store is affordable and gives you the most flexibility in how you want to ingest the ginger.
2. Garlic
Garlic is another powerful antioxidant that contains antiviral and antibiotic properties. Consuming garlic is one of the best ways to fight the flu. Fresh garlic will give you the most potent effects that are almost immediately noticeable.
If you don’t like the taste, you can use garlic capsules. Keep in mind fresh garlic is the most potent form of this natural remedy. You can combine garlic, ginger, and honey to create a potent brew full of anti-bacterial and antiviral properties. Garlic contains alliin, which is thought to give it its immune system boosting qualities.
3. Zinc
Zinc is a powerful natural remedy you can use to combat the flu. Start taking zinc as soon as you notice the first symptoms of the flu. Consuming zinc is one of the most effective natural ways to fight the flu. Zinc will help boost your immunity, which will shorten the severity and duration of your illness.
Zinc works by preventing harmful bacteria and viruses from multiplying in your body. Zinc lozenges will help give your immune system a needed boost while supporting your body’s normal function. Look for zinc lozenges or syrup you can use throughout the day.
4. Water
Hydration is essential when helping your body fight a virus. If you’re fighting a fever, you’re at risk of suffering from dehydration. A well-hydrated system makes it harder for invading viruses to get established in your body.
Every time you blow your nose or throw up, you lose fluids, which can leave your dehydrated. In addition to water, you can use tea and soup to stay hydrated. Stay away from soda and other drinks full of sugar, as sugar can cause further dehydration.
5. Steam Showers
Steam is a powerful natural remedy you can use to combat congestion and soothe your nasal passages. Taking a hot shower will help your body get rid of excess mucus and give you some relief from a stuffed nose. Simply sitting in a steamy bathroom can help relieve your symptoms.
You’ll find that blowing your nose becomes a lot easier after taking a steamy shower. Steam therapy also helps widen blood vessels, which encourages better blood flow, which will contribute to your recovery. Don’t be afraid to take multiple steam showers a day if it’s the only thing brining you relief.
6. Gargling
Gargling is a great natural way to fight the flu, educe swelling in your throat, as well as kill bacteria. Gargling with saltwater will help loosen mucus and remove irritants. Saltwater gargling will help pull viral fluids out of the throat area. Gargle 2 to 3 times a day until you start feeling better.
7. Rest
There aren’t any better natural ways to fight the flu than ample rest. Giving your body a chance to rest will help speed up your recovery. Trying to push through illness will only keep you sicker or longer and increase your recovery time. If you’re having trouble falling asleep, you can try melatonin, which is a natural supplement that will help you sleep.
Taking time to rest will help your body take full advantage of all the natural remedies you’re putting in your system. Resting and staying away from people will also help prevent the spread of your illness. It can take up to 5 full days for a healthy person to recover from the flu, so don’t be too hard on yourself if you aren’t feeling better right away.
8. Eucalyptus Rub & Oil
Eucalyptus products are one of the best natural ways to fight the flu. Eucalyptus is great for treating all types of infections and providing a comforting feeling. Eucalyptus oil has antiviral qualities upon inhalation, which makes it great to use in an essential oil diffuser.
Breathing in eucalyptus is a great way to support your immune system and kill the bacteria from the inside out. Eucalyptus is also a natural expectorant that will help you cough and sneeze the illness out of your body.