Green Goods

7 Best Natural Skin Care Tips for Organic Beauty Lovers

With the endless rollout of skincare products daily, it’s tough finding what works best. If you’re trying to keep things natural, it’s also stressful keeping up with the trends and chemicals on the market. Before, you heard turmeric worked wonders. Now, experts say it’s damaging to the skin.

Regardless of where you stand, it’s possible to use natural methods for your skincare. However, know that some chemicals in skincare products also exist in nature. Instead of avoiding regular skincare, seek natural skin care products that boost your skin’s appearance altogether.

Check out these natural skin care tips for your self-care regimen:

Tip #1: Wear mineral sunscreen religiously

Organic skin care products contain plant or mineral-based ingredients found in nature. Even when sticking to a natural skincare routine, always wear sun protection during the day.

However, select your products carefully. Many synthetic-based sunscreens contain oxybenzone that triggers allergies and hormonal imbalance in humans. This ingredient also harms the environment by causing coral bleaching.

Unlike chemical sunscreens, mineral sunscreens deflect light and UV rays from the skin, preventing the absorption of harmful rays. Look for sunscreens with ingredients like zinc oxide and titanium dioxide. Although some mineral sunscreens notoriously leave white casts, opt for products with iron oxide for a balanced tone.

Tip #2: Introduce collagen-rich foods in your diet

There’s a reason many high-end beauty treatments incorporate collagen into the skin. Collagen is the most abundant protein in the body. Unfortunately, the older you get, the less collagen your body produces. That’s why babies have the perfect skin texture.

Collagen boosts skin elasticity, smoothens wrinkles and scars. Consider supplementing collagen in your diet to increase your chances of improving your skin health. Eat foods like egg whites, garlic, chicken, berries, and legumes to stimulate collagen production in your body. You can consult your doctor to know if you qualify for collagen supplements as well.

Tip #3: Eat clean and maintain a frequent exercise routine

A healthy lifestyle is one of the best natural skin care tips. Your skin reflects what you put into your body. The more junk food you eat, the worse your skin condition. Eating too many sweets and oily food can cause you to break out. Instead, introduce foods rich in vitamins and antioxidants to your diet.

Foods like avocado, fruits, nuts, spinach, and broccoli have anti-aging properties. Don’t forget to stay away from meals with preservatives and artificial coloring.

Exercising helps you break a sweat and increases blood flow to the body. The more you work out and eat better, the better the mineral and nutrient transport to your skin. However, wash your face after working out to prevent sweat and dirt from clogging your pores.

Tip #4: Avoid harsh soaps and scrubs

On paper, sweet-smelling soaps and scrubs sound like fun and paradise. Sadly, many of them contain toxic ingredients like phthalates and parabens. Maintaining a healthy natural skincare routine means you must inspect all components of your products. Before buying new products, consult professionals to understand more about their functions.

For example, research now shows that retinol negatively affects sensitive skin. Avoid skincare fads and follow an intentional routine. Stick to fragrance-free creams and lotions since they hardly contain toxins.

Tip #5: Drink lots of water

Drinking lots of water flushes toxins from your body. Your face also benefits when you hydrate adequately. Dehydration causes dryness and cracks that can irritate your skin. Water makes your skin plump and gives you a healthy glow. While the trend is to drink at least eight glasses of water daily, listen to your body instead. However, keep the average number to six. Cut down your alcohol intake to prevent dehydration.

Beyond consumption, washing your face daily also moisturizes your skin. During the colder months, keep your skin hydrated with a humidifier.

Tip #6: Clean your makeup brushes and tools

When last did you wash your makeup brushes? Even if you don’t wear makeup frequently, there’s a chance the residual makeup on your tools is clogging your skin. Dirty makeup brushes, sponges, and bags are breeding grounds for bacteria and grime. Clean them with soft soap and warm water weekly, ideally.

Your bed sheets, towels, and pillowcases also need love. Don’t leave them to the quarterly spring clean before washing. Since your face touches these surfaces almost every day, wash them frequently as well to avoid irritating your skin.

Tip #7: Exfoliate your skin

Toning is helpful and removes dirt from the skin. However, exfoliating is the secret weapon to have naturally glowing skin. Exfoliation removes dead layers of skin to allow absorption of skincare products. The correct routine also boosts blood circulation, which can improve your skin texture.

However, exfoliation shouldn’t hurt or damage your skin. Think soft scrubs and gentle toners. Avoid sugar scrubs since some of them inflame and irritate the skin. Don’t rub your skin harshly. Gently applying the products will also generate the same results.
