
Five Ways That University Students Can Impress Their Professors

Students sometimes don’t know how to relate to professors. They may view them as intelligent and difficult to understand or talk to. Students may try to impress professors by answering questions in class or using an essay writing service to help them write pristine papers. So consider the top five things that you can do, both verbally and nonverbally, to help you impress your professors.

1. Sit in the Front of Class

Some people believe that this is a cliché but it is not. Teachers see those students sitting in front, notice that they are present in class, and often strike up friendly conversations with them.

The students who sit in front also are impacted practically. They tend to be more attentive in the front row and are shown to participate more in class. This fact is another reason why these benefits are real.

The phrase “move to the head of the class” doesn’t just mean the smart ones (that is, top of the class). Using the word head implies that those who sit up front also have the brains. So increase your chances of being viewed that way!

2. Respond to Professors’ Questions

There is nothing worse than asking a question and no one answering. Professors feel this same silence the same way that others do. If a teacher asks a question, he or she is doing so for a reason. Answering will not only show that you read your assignments and learned something but also that you are interested in what your professor is talking about.

3. Turn in Great Papers

There is nothing worse than a professor assigning work and getting back papers that students put off and tried to complete at the very last minute.

Well-written papers are not only easier to grade but they are also easier to read and take less time. Excellent papers make professors happy and elevate your score.

If time is short, you can utilize an essay writing service like Homework Help Global, hire a tutor, or ask for help from an editor.

4. Stay Engaged in the Course

The number-one way that you stay engaged is by attending class. When you show up, your professor knows that the course is a priority to you.

Make eye contact with the professor. This contact lets your professor know that you are listening. Smile and nod; you are communicating that you are thinking about the material and it is a happy experience for you.

Be engaged. This engagement means that your phone stays in your pocket or backpack. And don’t dare fall asleep in class.

Ask questions after class. When you approach your teacher, smile and say, “Hello!” Introduce yourself so that he or she is more likely to remember your name. Explain your question and listen expectantly for an answer.

5. Say “Thank You!”

Many people point out that teachers of all kinds tend to be underpaid compared to other industries. This means that your professor wants to be there with you and is inspired to teach.

Responding with thankfulness is a gracious way of giving back to your professor for the time, attention, and planning that he or she puts into the job in preparation for class each week.
