Four Critical Benefits of Dental Implants

Tooth loss is relatively common. It can be caused by everything from age and poor hygiene to an accident and more. After losing a tooth, it can be difficult to think about anything other than getting a replacement. After all, tooth loss affects your cosmetic appearance, your ability to eat and more. While you may initially lean toward getting a partial denture because it is a more affordable and easier option, there are actually four serious and considerable benefits of dental implants Toronto that you should review.
1. Natural Appearance
If you are self-conscious about missing a tooth, you understandably want to erase any sign of tooth loss. Dentures are rather noticeable, and there is a good chance that others will be able to tell that all of your teeth are not your own. Implants have a natural appearance, and they will look so much like the teeth they are replacing that nobody will be able to tell that you ever lost a tooth. This is because each implant is customized perfectly based on size, shape and color to look like a natural tooth.
2. Permanence
A challenge associated with dentures is that they are removable. This may seem advantageous at first glance, but they can easily be lost, misplaced or damaged. An implant, on the other hand, has a post that is surgically installed in your bone. Because it is anchored in the bone, it becomes a permanent feature. There is no concern about loss or damage. Keep in mind that this permanence is essential for keeping your other teeth aligned properly and for maintaining the health of your facial bones.
3. Easy Maintenance
With dentures, you must remove them each night to carefully clean them in a special way. You also must remove them while eating in a restaurant or in another public place. Dental implants require no additional steps other than what you are currently doing to care for your teeth. You do not remove them before eating or at bedtime. Your regular brushing and flossing efforts will satisfy all cleaning requirements.
4. Long-Term Affordability
The up-front cost for implants is expensive, and this is because they are installed through a surgical procedure. Remember, however, that this is a permanent solution to address tooth loss. Dentures will need to be replaced at least a few times over the years. This may be because of wear, loss, damage or something else.
It is understandable that dentures may seem favorable at first glance. It is the easier solution with less up-front cost. However, now that you understand the many substantial benefits of dental implants in comparison to dentures, you can see that this is a more advantageous tooth replacement option.