Four Easy Steps to Prepare Your Home for a Moving Company

Now that you have decided to relocate and have hired a reputable moving company, you need get started preparing for moving day. You understandably need to notify all of your service providers and take other similar steps, and you also need to focus on preparing your home for the mover team to arrive and start loading the truck. By focusing on these steps, you can be more well-prepared for moving day.
1. Clean Out the Storage Areas
If your home is like most, the majority of your belongings are concealed in the closets, attic, basement, garage and other storage areas. Rather than start packing the items that are most visible and likely more frequently used, begin preparing for a mover team to arrive by cleaning out these storage areas. Pack away items that you definitely will not need between now and moving day. Toss or donate items that are no longer needed at all.
2. Remove Decorative Items
After your storage areas are cleaned out and packed, you can move on to the main areas of your home. A great starting point is to remove all of the decorative items throughout the home. Pull down pictures and sconces. Pack vases and knickknacks. Take down your drapes and rods. This can make your home look bare, and it may seem uncomfortable to live in a stark home. However, these items are also not as essential as the items that may be laying on counter tops or stuffed in kitchen drawers.
3. Pack Strategically
After you have completed these steps, you are ready to start packing up some of the more essential items in your home. To make unpacking easier, only pack items from the same room in one box. Some people even only pack items from one particular cabinet or drawer in a box. Make sure to label all of your boxes. While you need to label the room where each box goes for the movers Toronto, you also may add a few details about the contents so that you can unpack the most important items first.
4. Leave Some Items Out
As you pack each room, think about the items that you will definitely need between now and when you get in the door of your new home. For example, you need bedding and pillows, at least one bath towel and wash cloth, a few changes of clothes and more. You may be able to pack the entire kitchen up and live off of microwave food and paper plates for a couple of days, but some people prefer to leave some cookware out until the last minute.
Your moving team will be ready to start loading the truck as soon as they arrive. This means that your home should be completely packed up beforehand. By following these steps, you can help your moving team to work more efficiently.