Four Times When a Locksmith Should Change Your Locks

One of the more common reasons why you may think about calling a locksmith for help is in an emergency situation involving your locks or keys. For example, if you lose your car keys and do not have a spare set, you need professional help getting into your car and getting back on the road. While there are emergency situations that require immediate service, there are also routine services that may be scheduled at your earliest convenience. Changing locks is one of the more common non-emergency situations that a locksmith can help you with. These are some of the instances when changing your locks is a smart move.
1. You Just Moved In
When buying a home, you are given the previous owner’s keys to the house. Commonly, two keys are provided, but that does not mean that more keys are not floating around. For example, the previous owner may have made a copy to give to the neighbors to use in case of an emergency. You understandably do not want anyone else to have access to your house keys, so changing the locks makes sense.
2. A Roommate Moves Out
Just as you cannot know if other keys are floating around when you buy a house, you also cannot know with certainty that your roommate did not make copies to give to other people. A surefire way to ensure that your locks keep you as safe and secure in the home as possible is to change them when someone moves out.
3. You Lost Your Keys
In many cases, you will lose your keys without any other identifying information. For example, you may have dropped your keys, but your wallet with details about your home address is safe with you. Anyone who finds your keys may not know which house they are associated with. However, you may still not have a way to get into your house without Toronto locksmith assistance. If you lost your keys along with identifying information, you need to call for professional assistance as soon as possible so that nobody walks into your home.
4. You Want to Improve Home Security
Many people assume that all locks are roughly the same, but this is not the case. Many homes are built with cheap locks that offer minimal protection. Upgrading the locks can improve home security. Consulting with a locksmith can tell you more about the upgrade options available.
Locks are essential for keeping your property secure when you are inside the home as well as while you are aware. If you have any concerns about the condition or quality of your locks or about who may have a copy of your keys, now is the time to schedule professional assistance.