Four Ways to Determine If Dental Implants Are Right for You

When you are missing one or more teeth or when you are preparing for the extraction of permanent teeth, you may be eager to explore treatment options. Permanent tooth loss has a negative impact on your physical appearance, the strength of your facial bones, the placement of your remaining permanent teeth, your ability to speak and eat and more. The two primary treatments for tooth loss are dentures and dental implants. If you are wondering if implants are a smart treatment option for you to use, focus on these steps.
1. Get a Quote
Dental implants may be more expensive than dentures, so it is important to get quotes for both treatment options. Analyze your dental insurance plan to determine what your out-of-pocket cost may be. While you may be inclined to go with the more affordable option, it is important to consider a few additional factors before you make your final decision about treatment. However, you may need to eliminate one treatment option if it is simply not financially feasible for you to consider. Many dental offices provide you with payment plans that may make it easier to get the treatment that you prefer. There are resources available at Prosthodontic Associates if you want more information.
2. Learn About Recovery Time
You may think that dentures have no recovery time, but many people require a few weeks to get accustomed to having dentures in their mouth and to get used to the extra hygiene steps that are required each day. Dental implants have a recovery time as well, and this time period may span for several weeks. Pain is usually managed with over-the-counter medications.
3. Focus on the Results
An important difference between implants and dentures is the results. Implants are a permanent solution for tooth loss, and they generally give you a natural look. With implants, others may not be able to tell that your teeth have been replaced. While technology for dentures has improved, many people can still tell when an individual is wearing dentures.
4. Understand Maintenance and Longevity
Dentures may need to be replaced every few years, and they could require replacement sooner if they are lost or damaged. Implants may last for decades or for the rest of your life. Dentures require special care. You may need to eat more carefully, and you may need to remove and clean the dentures nightly. With implants, your regular oral hygiene steps are usually sufficient to properly care for them.
While there is usually more cost and a longer recovery time associated with dental implants, you can see that there are solid benefits associated with choosing implants over dentures. Focus your attention on each of these points carefully so that you can make a thoughtful treatment decision that is right for you.