
How to Dispose of Disposable Vapes Properly

Are you new to vaping? Maybe you are a seasoned cloud chaser. Either way, you know what a disposable vape is. You’ve probably used them when you started or picked them up when you are out and about and don’t have your main device.

A disposable vape is an e-cigarette that you can buy at your local vape shop and is a cheap, entry-level device. It comes with a non-chargeable battery and usually 2ml of juice, so all you need to do is take it out of the package and start using it.

What happens when it runs out? Let’s figure out how to dispose of disposable vapes.

Are disposable vapes recyclable?

Yes, it is but not in its current form. Throwing it away in the trash is not the answer because it will end up in a landfill, and that’s not great for the environment. The solution is to recycle all the components because a recycling depot won’t accept them otherwise.

A disposable vape is done when either the battery runs out, or the juice runs out. If there is leftover juice, wash it out throughout before recycling it. Remember that the packaging is recyclable, so start by putting any plastic or cardboard in your home recycle bin.

Parts of a disposable vape

The disposable vape is made up of various components:

  • Mouthpiece
  • Cartridge
  • Heating element (atomizer)
  • Microprocessor
  • Switch
  • Battery

There are wide varieties of disposable vapes, which have different colours, sizes and shapes. Despite their diversity, they all have similar parts. Try to break it down into glass, plastic and metal so they all can be rinsed out and put in the recycling bin.

Some vapes have a built-in battery that you can’t easily remove. These you may have to dispose of at a specialized waste centre or in a hazardous waste bin.

How to take apart a disposable vape

Searching for disposal rules of vapes in your area is a good idea. Some environmental agencies will have different regulations depending on where you live. Take apart as much as possible, starting with the mouthpiece down to the battery. You may need to use some small hand tools to do it. For plastic, metal and glass, wash the parts with soapy water to remove any residue and put them into your recycling bin.

Remove all the metal, including any part of the casing, the coil, and other metal components. This can go with all the rest of your metal in the bin. It can then be melted down and used for various items in industrial and commercial spaces.

Plastic parts and the battery will be all that remain unless there are glass components. Plastic is important to recycle because any re-used amount means less new plastic. Plastic is made from oil, so we can reduce the burden on our resources by recycling.

Disposable vape batteries

The battery recycles differently. Most vapes have lithium-ion batteries and toxic substances inside, so they can’t be thrown in the trash or with the other recyclables. It was tempting to just toss it in the trash and forget about it, but it will then make its way to the landfill and eventually leach into the ground, causing pollution of the soil and water.

Instead, bring it separately to your disposal depot if they take batteries or phone around to find a place that accepts it. They know how to safely handle batteries and ensure they won’t impact the environment.

Why you should properly dispose of disposable vapes

Doing the right thing isn’t always the easiest, but it is all about being responsible and contributing to a better environment. Besides the toxic toll on the environment, you don’t want a dirty vape pen to get into the hands of a child or found by a pet. Instead of throwing it into the trash, be part of the solution by washing it out and recycling it. This shows maturity and responsibility on your part.

Using a disposable vape allows you to try different juices without committing to buying a whole bottle or refilling a more expensive device. If you want to be more environmentally conscience, consider moving up from disposable vapes to a unit that allows you to refill them. You will have a better experience with vaping and reduce how much you have to recycle.

The vaping industry is already under attack because it is a gateway to smoking and an alluring pastime for young people. If vapes are just thrown in the trash, they end up in the landfill, which doesn’t go unnoticed. It is more fuel for groups that want to restrict or ban them. If they are properly disposed of and found to be part of the recycling chain, it goes a long way toward promoting the safe and responsible use of vaping.

Enjoy your disposable vapes, and then do your part by recycling them. This is how to responsibly dispose of disposable vapes.
