The Top Four Ways to Expand Your Brand

Branding is one of the most important elements to marketing. Properly branding your product will leave a lasting impression on your customers. When you see a golden M driving down the highway, you will know exactly what fast food restaurant is at the next exit. This is because they have properly branded commercials, packaging boxes, websites, and more. Whether you are a new company or an established company, here are the top five ways you can expand your brand.
1. Customer Questionnaire
Do you already have established or repeat customers? Have you just opened your store and want feedback? A great way to ask customers what they think about your brand is a questionnaire. You can attach a questionnaire to the purchase or post it on social media. Many website development and other branding companies also offer a lot of data on your target customer base. Once you receive feedback, you can develop a thorough plan on rebranding your company.
2. Product Packaging
Packaging boxes serve to protect your product. When you ship your product through the mail, or stack them on a shelf, the box provides a physical barrier from potential damage. However, product packaging is so much more than just a protective barrier. It is an opportunity to market your brand. Many customers will try a new product based on its looks. Even established and well-known brands are always upgrading their product packaging to meet the desires of their customers. A marketing team can tell you what colours, what shapes, and what designs are best for your industry. For example, if your product is organic and recyclable, they may suggest a shade of green to promote that it is environmentally friendly.
3. Product Giveaway
Your business must be profitable to survive. A product giveaway may sound counterintuitive, but it can draw in a lot more customers. You want new customers to become repeat customers. A product giveaway is an easy way to get customer engagement, reach target audiences, and draw attention to your brand. You can easily market it on social media, which is free. Many large corporate companies spend thousands of dollars on their marketing teams on how to promote their newest and latest products. A product giveaway is a fairly inexpensive way to draw customer attention and show your customers you appreciate them.
4. Partner with an Influencer
Influencers can reach hundreds of thousands and, in some cases, millions of people with one post. When a person has a large subscriber or follower account, social media sites may “verify” them as an influencer. You can contact influencers to market your product and use the advertisement on your social media. In many cases, a social media influencer will create a post on their accounts so it instantly reaches their audience.
The cost associated with each social media influencer varies. You will want to pay a social media influencer that reaches your target customers. For example, if you sell women’s garments, you will want to find an influencer that reaches women. On the other hand, if you sell hockey gear, it can be helpful to have a pro hockey athlete wear or talk about your product on their fan page.