5 Common Plumbing Issues That Call for Professional Plumbing Services

Not every plumbing issue can be solved simply at home with plungers and other store-bought cleaners, and sometimes making that assumption can escalate the very problem you sought out to fix. It’s important that you take these issues seriously, and contacting your plumber is often your best solution. Plumbers know how to pinpoint an issue, and they understand what it takes to resolve it entirely. They are commonly resolving all of the following problems.
1. Slow Drainage
One reason to seek professional plumbing services is that you can’t see the issue, and slow drains can indicate all sorts of different problems. For example, you may have major sediment and grease build up that is narrowing your pipes and preventing water flow, or you may have improper drainage system grading. Without the proper equipment and expertise, it’s difficult to know for sure.
2. Repeated Clogs
Repeated clogs might mean that the methods you are using are ineffective or simply not strong enough to eliminate the issue entirely. Professional plumbers are better-equipped to wipe out a clog for the long-term, and, while this might ultimately save you money, it will most certainly save you time and effort. Your plumber can go deep into the pipes to make sure your drain doesn’t clog so easily next time.
3. Multiple Clogs in Multiple Rooms
If more than one clog is taking place, it’s possible that your issue lies deep within your drainage system. This is something that requires professional assistance. Rather than making guesses about how to solve the issue, your plumbers can target the source of the problem and restore your system’s performance. With high-powered tools such as professional-grade drain cleaners and jetting equipment, your entire drainage system can be cleaned and cleared, effectively resolving your multiple clog issue. You can find more resources at ExpressRooter.
4. Bad Smells
If you are unable to get rid of a foul smell coming from your drains, the issue may be more serious than you think. Smells can result from excessive waste and pollutant buildup or broken sewer pipes, among other things. In addition to a professional drain cleaning, plumbers can also replace broken pipes to eliminate the smell entirely.
5. Flooding
Flooding is a very severe plumbing issue, and if you have flooding issues, either in the basement or surrounding a floor drain, it’s important that you contact your plumbers as soon as possible to prevent severe damages to your home or building.