
9 Snow Day Preparation Tips and Tricks

Winter has arrived, and the forecast predicts a snow day on the horizon. Getting ready ahead of time helps you tackle the challenges that heavy snowfall can bring. From clearing paths to securing essentials, this proactive approach ensures you and your surroundings are ready to face winter conditions.

This guide covers essential tips to ensure you wake up well-prepared for the coming snowfall. Whether staying indoors or venturing out to enjoy the winter landscape, these preparations ensure you’re ready to make the most of the snowy day.

Take Stock of Snow Removal Tools

Your snow removal arsenal, including shovels and snow blowers, must be easily accessible. Inspect your snow blower, start it, and check that it’s fueled and in good working order.

Confirm that de-icing agents like rock salt, liquid de-icer, or magnesium chloride are available to prevent slippery surfaces. Having these tools ready ensures a smooth snow removal process.

Clear Pathways and Driveway

If snow is on the ground, shovelling or using de-icing products to clear your pathways and driveway before the coming storm is a good idea. Liquid deicer, in particular, can be helpful if laid down ahead of time. This will help prevent ice buildup, making navigating and clearing the next day easier.

By clearing driveways and walkways before snow accumulates, you create a safer environment for yourself and others during the snowy weather.

Bring in Outdoor Items

Prepare for a snow day by bringing in outdoor items to safeguard them from the impending winter weather. Secure or relocate outdoor furniture, toys, and tools to prevent damage caused by heavy snow or strong winds.

Taking the time to put away or secure your outdoor belongings will help make them last longer and also means you’ll have less clutter to deal with when it comes to snow removal.

Insulate Pipes

Avoid frozen pipes by insulating them with pipe sleeves or heat tape. This simple step can prevent costly plumbing issues by preventing your pipes from freezing, which can occur when the temperature drops significantly. When water inside the pipes freezes, it expands, leading to potential pipe bursts.

Insulation is a protective barrier that maintains a more stable temperature and prevents the water from freezing. Insulated pipes also help conserve energy by reducing heat loss, which is especially important during cold weather.

Check Heating Systems

Gear up for a snow day by checking your heating systems to ensure a cozy and warm home. Test your furnace, boilers, or heat pumps, ensuring they are in optimal working condition.

Change air filters and clean vents to maximize efficiency. This isn’t just about having a comfortable indoor temperature during the cold spell; it also helps prevent potential issues, such as heating failures.

Charge Devices

Fully charge all your electronic devices. In a power outage, devices like phones, tablets, and laptops become essential lifelines for communication and entertainment.

Charge portable chargers as well, as these will provide you with an extra power source in the event of an extended power outage.

Fuel Up Vehicles

Cold weather can affect fuel efficiency, and having a full tank is crucial in case you need to drive in winter conditions. In addition to ensuring your vehicle has a full tank, it’s also essential to check the overall condition of your car before a snow event.

Verify that the tires have sufficient tread for traction on slippery roads. Ensure all fluids, including antifreeze, windshield washer fluid, and oil, are at the recommended levels.

Confirm that your vehicle’s brakes, lights and heating system are in optimal working condition. This comprehensive check prepares your car for winter driving and reduces the likelihood of unexpected breakdowns or issues during a snowstorm.

Create an Emergency Kit

Prepare for a snow day by assembling an emergency kit. Include flashlights, batteries, a battery-powered radio, blankets, and a first aid kit. This kit ensures you can handle power outages, stay informed about weather updates, and address minor injuries.

Stock up on non-perishable snacks and water, and double-check that you have enough necessary medications. By having a well-prepared emergency kit, you’ll be better prepared to handle any unexpected challenges.

Stay Informed

Staying informed about weather updates and potential advisories is a good idea. Keep a radio tuned to a local station for real-time information. Utilize weather apps on your phone or other devices to receive continuous updates. This helps you stay ahead of changing conditions, allowing you to plan accordingly.

By taking these steps the night before a snowstorm, you can ensure your home is ready to face the challenges of winter weather and that you and your family stay safe and comfortable. So, as the snow begins to fall, you can rest easy knowing you’ve taken the necessary steps to navigate the storm easily and enjoy the beauty of winter. Stay warm and safe!
